27 July, 2018.

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I was supposed to wake up around 8:15am but ended up waking up at 9:45am instead.

I quickly got ready, drank my milk and went off to college. My dad dropped me to the station and it was only until a couple seconds after going to the station, when I realised that I had left my phone in the car. I could see the car drive away in full speed and could do nothing about.

I was positively phoneless for the day.

I immediately felt so restless and incomplete. Everything that I needed to do at that point was accessible only through my phone. Want to watch the Youtube video that I decided? Oh but I don't have my phone. Something struck me and I want to Google it? Oh but I don't have my phone. Want to check my messages or call someone? Oh but I don't have my phone. Want to record something? Or want to message people? Oh but I don't have a phone for that. Want to bloody know what time is it?! OH BUT I DON'T HAVE MY BLOODY PHONE!

I calmed down after a while tho. Through a stranger's phone, I called my dad to just inform him about my precious cargo. Honestly, I really didn't NEED NEED my phone today. I had college for only 2 hours with set 2 lectures. I don't really socialise much so I knew there won't be messages or phone calls. And the people I do talk to on the daily will anyways be meeting me in college. That leaves behind social media and I could really do with a social media detox for a couple of hours cause that shit's addictive.

I reached college right at 11:30pm and realised that I was the only one present from my class for the Market Research lecture. Wow. The professor had a reputation of being super boring so I can understand why nobody turned up. The other section had Export Marketing till 12:30pm (while my section had it from 12:30pm to 1:30pm) with a much better professor hence people from my section decided to attend that class instead. I doubted whether there will be any more students coming in for the 12:30pm Export Marketing lecture so I thought instead of being the only one in the both the lectures, I'll attend Export Marketing with the other section (which means there won't be any Market Research lecture from 11:30 to 12:30) and then be the only one to attend Market Research, if that's the case.

The Export lecture was good but the Market Research, not so much. Three more people turned up for the Market Research lecture, one of them being Kristen and the professor went so slow with the subject, it was almost impossible to be interested in her subject. First of all, the professor was confused about our portion. How does that help us trust her in any damn way? Then she tried teaching us a case study. Even if the topic was interesting, her lack of conviction in whatever she said combined with her explaining with generic, self-study like terms made difficult it for me to take her seriously as a professor.

Sure, she gave us good examples and even made an effort to find out an ad video to support her PPT, but the moment she began reading the text book and trying to explain each and every line, she lost me. I tried my level best to be motivated and find some worth in this class but nah. Woman took more than an hour to just cover the definition and features of Market Research. We need a new professor ASAP. This one probably has experience and quite a lot of knowledge about the subject but she legit doesn't know how to teach.

Kristen and I went to the resident canteen where we shared some fries and I bought myself a chicken club sandwich. The sandwich took so long so get ready that the lunch break was almost over by the time I came back to our table. Kristen had already eaten her share of fries by then. She, unlike me, had a lecture so she left and I had the opportunity to stare at everyone's faces while I had my lunch all alone (cause I didn't have my phone with me).

It wasn't bad tho. I have already established the fact that I have no qualms eating alone. In fact I'm trying to find out 1 diner restaurants in the city. Plus I was in a big canteen, there was so much to observe and think about. I ended packing up my left over fries and went home.

I did some chores, got my digital file updated and after some serious WiFi connection issues, started my second lecture on Hangul. It was a 30 min video but trust me, it took me more than 3 hours to get through it. I learnt the ending consonants in this vid and practiced reading and pronunciation a couple of words.

An Outlet: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now