4 September, 2018.

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Today was a chill day.

I went to college and had the confusing Finance lecture. I understood some amount of it today so that was good.

Here's what I will do to catch up on this subject. Since I didn't opt for buying the text book (the book was on US Markets, shouldn't we be taught what's happening in India first? Also the book is too huge and is quite expensive for the amount that we will cover in the portion. My dad might have books on this topic so I decided against buying the book), I will take a picture of the content page and learn those concepts via internet or any other book that my dad has. I think this will work out just fine.

In the short break, we went to collect some copies for our Corporate Finance (yesterday's) lecture after which, some of my friends left for home and the others went to meet with a professor for some work. As for me, I sat in class and read the new updates of the book 'Kevin Died'. It's a really interesting book and now that it is on the verge of getting over, I'm loving how everything is unravelling and how all the dots are connecting now. I'm excited to read the ending.

After break we had a 2 hour Financial Accounts class and once again I understood everything done in class and was able to solve sums on my own. You have no idea how happy get when this happens.

I was supposed to eat lunch at home but my instant noodles craving kicked in again and I went and had it. I need to stop. I just had it a few days ago and that too two packets!

Anyways, I went home and had proper lunch. I initially had to re-work on the Marketing Assignment for tomorrow but we got a message that the class has been cancelled so guess who is going to  procrastinate for almost another week?

At night I practiced my 30 second talk and also researched a bit about the future.

I have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow at the townhall. I just have to speak for 30 seconds so I hope it goes well.

An Outlet: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now