9 October, 2018.

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Today, in our IAPM lecture, we had an intense math session. That's a lie. It wasn't really intense but it's been more than a year since we did math so it's a taaaad bit difficult to enter that realm again. I hope to rekindle my love for math soon.

Just like yesterday, I had college only for 2 hours i.e till 11AM after which I hung out with a couple of friends and ate some momos (at a place that has newly opened) at the resident canteen. Two of them had their next lecture straight at 2:30PM while 2 others had an appointment with a counsellor in college itself but a bit later during the day.

On my way back home, I had to get some masala from the masala house cum grocery store and as usual, I picked two packets of mushroom soup for today's lunch. I made it and mom and I had that the delicious soup along with our lunch.

After lunch, I was on call with Kristen to decide what to gift Paul. He is going to give us a treat this Saturday and we need to be ready with some gift, even if I know he doesn't give two shits about it. We decided to gift him a bagpack which takes up most of our budget. And the remaining will be quirky, savage gifts. When asked what does he want for his birthday, Paul said he wants a house and a car. And that's what he's going to get. We're going to gift him a car and house..... keychain.... if we find them. Since he absolutely loves the word potato, I'm going to gift wrap a potato and give it to him. No kidding.

We've ordered for the bag online and it will be delivered only after Saturday so I guess Paul is in for a pleasant surprise.

In the evening, I decided to finally get my footwear fixed. Plus I was on a hunt to find the car and house keychains. I got ready and left the house. I went to the footwear guy and gave mine for repairs. Later I walked quite a lot because I had an hour to kill before I picked up my fixed footwear again.

Have I ever mentioned just how much I love walking in the evenings? I don't know why I don't do this very often. I walked the entire way to the station, looking for keychains at stationery stores and gift shops. Then I walked through the main market and strolled through most of the area. I had never truly realised how many things there are for sale! Now that I was looking for something specific, there are so many things that caught my eye. As customers we are absolutely spoilt for choice.

I even visited a small mall in the centre of the market and explored the place looking at what kinds of shops it housed and how did the food court looked like. Of course it's nothing compare to actual big malls but its not that bad. I visited a store and window shopped my way to the exit.

I searched quite a lot yet I couldn't find anything both of us were satisfied with. In the end, I picked up my shoes and returned home.

Bon Voyage Season 3 Ep 4 came out and there is this one channel that I'm going to worship every Tuesdays for this ARMY is somehow able to upload the episodes on Youtube, albeit for only a couple of hours or a day max.

Anyways, in this episode, the 6 members of BTS were finally reunited with Taehyung! However, unfortunately, Suga had to leave due to personal reasons. He anyways seemed very off since the third episode so I guess him going back to Korea was the best decision. I hope Suga resolved whatever the issue was and also, I hope he doesn't think that his existence doesn't make a difference to the rest of the members and the show itself.

The members indulged in some water sports after which they went horse riding. I'm living for the way JHope and Jimin acknowledge V's existence and continuously imply that V is important for the show. V's room picking was hilarious too. I was honestly very surprised when he called Jin boring without any hesitation and Jin didn't say anything back to him. Maybe Jin is actually a very serious person off camera.

In the end V became Jungkook's roommate and no one had to sleep on the ground.

An Outlet: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now