30 June 2018 - First Clubbing Experience.

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I may have exaggerated a little bit in the title but today felt like one.

Paloma's birthday falls on the 1st of July (which is technically today cause it's way past 12AM now. But I'm going to imagine that it's 30th June for sake of getting this chapter) so today her friends had arranged for a surprise party for her and I was invited too.

Paloma has never been good at planning her own birthdays so it's always been her best friend (who was also in the same friend circle as me in junior college but we both aren't as close as the way Paloma is to either of us) who takes the lead instead.

So he along with her senior college friends decided to surprise her. Ultimately it turned out to be only 5 of us but it was great fun. All that will come later.

First of all, it took me quite some time to calm my parents down when they realised that this surprise party wasn't really a dinner plan but a post dinner plan instead aka drinking plans. I have never gone for late night drinking plans in my life. But, surprisingly, my parents allowed me to go. Maybe because it was one of my closest friend's birthday and I was going to crash at her place for the night.

So they dropped me at the desired place and I met up with the best friend. It was a tad bit hilarious when my dad asked him to take care of us girls. This was such a new sight for me. Best friend and I went upstairs and I instantly liked the vibe there. Sure there was loud music, a bar, some skimpily clad women but I didn't really feel awkward at all. The place had a nice cosy vibe to it. I came to know that this was not a club but a pub. Still don't know what he difference and for now, I don't even care to know.

Paloma came with her 2 senior college friends and I was so happy to see herrrrr! I think I was in a good mood so I instantly felt like grooving to the music. And I had carried a backpack because I had to have clothes with me so I was dancing with my backpack (for the rest of the night). Self consciousness who?

After getting acquainted with one another we all want to the bar. Paloma and I had no previous experience and thankfully none of the other three judged us for it. I think it's because we all are very fond of Paloma and since she was a first timer, I got the same treatment too.

Best friend suggested that he and I share a pitcher of something called LIT and he asked me to drink it very slowly. Honestly, I loved having best friend with me cause of course we 2 junior college friends are not going to be 100% comfortable with the 2 senior college people in the first meeting. Thankfully there wasn't any animosity between us that tends to happen when different friend circles come together.

As I was saying, I loved having best friend around because just like me, he was ready to dance as well. As soon as the night picked up and we were all down with a drink, we hit the dance floor. Best friend and I instantly let loose and danced to the rhythm while Paloma took some time to get used to the environment. As for the other two, apparently they went for a really long smoke break at one point which was perfectly fine with us cause Paloma could get sometime to have fun with us as well.

See, from what I have noticed, you tend to be closer to people who you currently spend most of your time with because they know the happenings of your daily life and your thoughts and feelings at that time more than someone who isn't always with you, even if you claim to be the bestest of buds. In this case, Paloma's female friend seems to have taken an obsessive liking towards her while the male friend seems to be head over heels for her. So when they were away, we three got to spend time and enjoy together.

Best friend and I were on fire I tell you. We danced so much! I even got compliments for the way I moved my body. I myself was surprised when I saw myself freely dancing without giving a thought to those watching me. And before you say it, let me make it clear that no, I wasn't drunk or even tipsy. I know the feeling of being tipsy and I had no such feelings at that time or for the rest of the night. Even after we had two shots of vodka and rum (the latter was exactly at 12 o clock. Paloma'a request).

As for the birthday girl, she apparently hadn't eaten dinner. She drank a glassful of rum in the beginning and 2 shots with all of us. Right after her birthday shot, she started feeling a little dizzy and by the time we were out of the place (at around 1), she was positively drunk.

I have to say the senior college guy took great care of her. He was the only one who didn't drink cause he was in charge of driving. Paloma kept babbling shit throughout the journey to her house. At one point she even spoke about her ex crush and ex friend. The woman was definitely drunk out of her mind. Eventually we found a half opened fries place and picked up some fries for her and made her forcefully eat it. Apparently you're supposed to eat after getting drunk? I guess that's how it works?

Anyways we waited for quite some time below her building for Paloma to sober up. Her parents didn't know that she was out drinking. According to them, it was only a late dinner plan. Finally we went up and she sobered up the second she saw her mom. The last time we came home so late, her dad had literally screwed her case in front of me but this time, the reactions were more subtle.

Paloma had completely sobered up by the time we got ready for bed. I then told her the things she had said and done just a couple of hours ago. The woman didn't remember anything. She was so surprised when I told her everything. Apparently there is one secret that she had let slip out while drunk which, according to her, would have destroyed her relation with those two friends but thankfully she had used a code word/ nick name which only best friend knew about.

Paloma and I had been wanting to go for drinking plans together for quite sometime now and today it finally happened.

Happy Birthday Paloma! Hope you had a great time for I had a blast!

Also, I'm happy to realise that contrary to my own belief, I am not an extremely light weight drinker. I was able to handle the LIT and the shots. Woah.

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