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"Uh, Cheryl...what's wrong with you? You've been silent ever since we got here. You know that we at least need to find 6 actors before we leave Atlanta right? You need to smile." Marla said as she looked around the room that we stood in that was full of people who came to audition. "And sunglasses...really? Add more life to yourself." She added as she elbowed my arm.

"Fine. I'll just-...take these off." I said as I slowly took the sunglasses off and put them away.

"Better. Anyways, how did you sleep last night?" Did Tony call?"

"I slept...okay and no, he hasn't called me at all. Not sure why but...yeah." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Good Afternoon. You guys ready?" Trey asked us as he walked up towards Marla and I.

I stayed silent and avoided eye contact with him.

"Yeah. We are pumped. Well, I am. I don't know about Cheryl..." Marla said as she looked in my direction.

"I'm pretty sure that she's ready..." Trey said as I could see him burning a hole in the side of my fave with his eyes.

"Excuse me. I'm gonna go start gathering everybody together, Okay Marla?" I said as I dismissed Trey and spoke to Marla instead.

"Okay girl. We will be over in a few." Marla said as she nodded her head.

"Okay." I said as I then walked away from the two of them.


After the auditions, I stepped outside to call Tony.

I stood there and waited for him to answer.

"Hello?" I then heard him say. I instantly smiled.

"Hi baby...why haven't you called me?" I asked him as I looked down at my heels and waited for him to answer my question.

"Uh, Cheryl- you and I need to talk about something when you get back." He then said in a low voice.

My smile faded.

"Well....is it good or bad? You have me worrying." I said as I moved a piece of my hair behind my ear and looked up towards the sky.

It was pretty sunny outside and the studios site wasn't too full of people running around. It was kind of a down weekend where they let people come inside and audition.

"It's best if I were to say it in person." He then told me.


"I've gotta go. I'll see you in a week." Tony then said in a dry voice as he then hung up the phone.

"Hel-...hello?" I said as I stood there shocked that he actually hung up without even letting me get another word in.

I then sighed and pulled the phone away from my ear. I could feel myself on the verge of crying because I didn't know exactly what it was that he wanted to tell me. He was scaring me because the of way he sounded and spoke to me.

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