Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: new village.


I'm packing my things. I'm moving to a new village because it's not save here. A lot of people are moving but not to the village I'm going. It's called la Belle. My dad visited it for some 'secret' business. I pick my last things and walk to my horse. I untied it and climb on my horse. My parents are coming too and we drive to la Belle.

We walk into the busy streets of la Belle. I see only girls. Some boys but they are to old for me. We stop by the house and I tied my horse up. I walk inside being shocked. It's a beautiful old house. I grab my bag and walk to my new room. I do everything in my closet but hear gunshots and screams. I immediately run to my window seeing some criminals and a——cute boy. He protects the village. I smile. "What's going on?" My mom asks. "I think some criminals. They are trying to get a girl." I Say and look at my mom. "Okay well dinner is sort of ready." She smiles so I follow her. I happily eat my food.

*after dinner*
When I'm done. I go to my horse Amy. She's a girl and she's really strong like me. I give it some food and read a book while I sit in the hay beside Amy. I'm thinking what will happen tomorrow. I'm read my book till it's dark. I think it's better if I go inside now. I walk to my room and decide to sleep. Thinking about the boy I saw. Who is he?

*End chapter 1*

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