Chapter 57

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Whitey Winn Imagine:
*Chapter 57*

Whitey POV
My eyes slowly flutter open and I meet the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen "Good morning Handsome" She said "Morning" I said, she kissed my lips and then climbed out of bed "Where are you going?" I asked "I am going to fix us some breakfast" She said putting on her jacket "Want anything special?" I shook my head "Okay I'll be right back. And don't hurt yourself" I nodded. She kissed me before running out of the door. "God I love that girl" I said to myself. Now I was all alone again. It reminded me of yesterday.

I was lying in my bed. Waiting for Y/N to come back. She tried to come in but the doctors and nurses stopped her. A door opened and snapped me out of my thoughts "Y/N, baby! I thought you would never come" I said. But when I looked at the door Louise was standing there instead of Y/N "Louise w-what are you doing here?" "I saw what happened" she walked to my bed and grabbed my hand "Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded. "Whitey I have to ask you something" she said "Okay" I said. "Kill Y/N for me.....for us" she said "WHAT?! I AM....." I was cut off by the pain "I am not killing the girl I love! I would rather die myself!" I said angry. She smiled a little "Whitey you are not thinking straight here let me help you" she said and climbed on top of me "Louise!" I said trying to push her off me but she pinned my arms down. Pain was running through my body. I felt her kissing my neck "Don't worry Whitey I'm here now" she mumbled against my neck. Her hands were moving to my belts and she was trying to pull them off. I was crying right now....Y/N where are you? "Hey!" And there she was. Y/N.
----End of Flashback----

I love that girl more than anything. She saved me
End of Chapter 57

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