Chapter 59

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Whitey Winn Imagine:
*Chapter 59*

*One week later*
Your POV
Whitey is now back home. He doesn't have any pain and can move again. He is so obsessed with our baby. He always let Maggie babysit me when he's gone. We are now lying on the couch, me on his chest with his arms around me. He whispered sweet things into my ear and sometimes kisses my jaw or neck. "Whitey" I said while he was kissing my jaw. I then felt something in my throat. Vomit. "Bathroom now!" I said and rushed to the bathroom with Whitey following behind me. While I was throwing everything out in the toilet Whitey held up my hair and rubbed my back softly. When I pulled my head out of the toilet Whitey pulled me into his chest "You okay now?"He asked and I nodded. He picked me up and brought me to the couch. He walked away probably to get something where I can trow up in. When he came back he sat it down on the table and lied back down on the couch "I hate this" I heard him chuckle "Come on Love you have already been through one month" "I wish it could go a little bit faster" I said "I get that" He said kissing my head and lied me back into his grip "What name should we pick?" I asked him "I don't know yet" Whitey said "But what I do know is that me and my beautiful wife need to get married first" I blushed "I'm not that beautiful" "What was that? I'm sorry I just thought you said you weren't that beautiful" He then sat me down on his lap "You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. And Everyone shall know that you are mine, always" He kissed me and lied me down.
End of Chapter 59

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