Chapter 53

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Whitey Winn Imagine:
*Chapter 53*

Your POV
It was like 3 hours later when I stood up "I am going inside now! This is taking too long!!" I said. Bill couldn't stop me. I rushed inside. I opened the door of the room where Whitey was. When I walked inside I saw Louise on top of Whitey kissing his neck, and he was crying!! "Hey!" She turned to me and I pointed my gun at her "Get off him or I will shoot!" "Okay okay!" She got off him quickly "But..." I cut her off by shooting her in her leg "Doctors!!" I yelled and hid my gun. They ran inside "Help her!!" The doctors dragged her out of the room. When they left I rushed to Whitey who was still crying "Hey what's wrong?" I asked and playing with his hair a little "Louise s-she wanted me" He started crying again. Wow I have never seen him like this before "Just take your time" I said softly "She s-said that I had to kill you....I said I would rather die" He started to tear up again "She climbed on top of me and was about to take off my belts.....but than you came in" I kissed his forehead "Listen. I'm here now and I'll take care of Louise" He smiled a little "Thank you Love but..." "Whitey no 'buts'! I have to protect you like you protect me. And she was trying to you know......that" I said cutting him off. He smiled again "How are you feeling?" I asked changing the subject. "A little pain but now that you are here I'm feeling a lot better" He said and pulled me on the Hospital bed next to him "Stay with me?" He asked "Always" I kissed his lips briefly and lied his head on my chest. I saw him closing his eyes, I stroked his hair softly.
*End of Chapter 53*

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