Chapter 20

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Whitey winn imagine:

Chapter 20


“You have to stay the night here and you can’t do anything till your leg is healt.” The nurse told me. I slowly nod. This means I can’t help the sheriff and whitey for grabbing my dad. And he will probably kill whitey because he knows I’m weak. “Love you okay?” Whitey asks and claps his finger in my face. “Huh Yeah. I was thinking.” I give him a weak smile. “About what?” “About you and my dad. I can’t help now. He will kill you.” He pecks my lips. “Love don’t worry. I will die for you. I love you.” I smile. “I love you more.” I kiss him. Our lips move in a perfect way. But it’s getting heater and heater. He climbs on top of me but I stop him. “Whitey what are you doing.” He looks a little sad. “Ow I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that.” He says. “I just want to cuddle and kiss.” He smiles. I smile back and put some blankets around us.

“Whitey. You smell like gunshots.” I chuckle. “Not like flowers.” I shake my head. “Dam it.” I giggle. “What am I?” He asks. “My boyfriend.” I smile. He smiles back. “Aww I love you.” “I love you too.”

*Next morning*

Today I’m going back *home* well whiteys home. Whitey drags me in his house and place me on the couch. “Hey Maggie.” Whitey says. “Hi.” I Say. “Ow what stupid. I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Maggie. Whiteys aunt.” She smiles and we shake hands. “Well I made soup. You two want some?” I nod. She brought me some. When I’m done with my soup the sheriff storms in. “Whitey. Frank is stealing money by the bank. And he killed two girls.” He says. Whitey gives me a kiss on my forehead. “I love you.” He says and goes outside. “Y/N don’t worry. Whitey is a strong man. He can kill that man.” She says. “But maybe that’s the thing. I don’t want whitey to kill him.

I want to know why he left me. If he did it because of money he can kill him.” I Say and sip my soup. Maggie looks at me confused and her eyes go wide. “What?” I Say. “Do I have soup somewhere?” I ask. “No. Behind you.” She says. I turn around and came eye in eye with my dad. He throws a bomb in the house. I screamed.

What is with this man?

*End chapter 20*

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