Chapter 33

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 Whitey winn imagine
*Chapter 33*

Your POV
We walked downstairs to tell my mother. She was sitting on the couch washing some clothes "Hey mom?" She turned to us "Hey!" She said and then turned back to the clothes "Mom we have to tell you something" "Yeah sure honey what's wrong?" She turned back to us "Well mom you know me and Whitey are together" "That was very clear" she said laughing a bit "Well we have amazing news Mrs. Griffin" Whitey said. She looked a little confused. I took a deep breath and squeezed Whitey's hand softly, he nodded slowly "Mom...Me and Whitry are expecting a baby" Her eyes widen "You WHAT?!" She screamed "I'm pregnant" I told her smiling a little bit. She seems shocked "You aren't happy about this?" I asked her "Not happy?" She asked "I AM SO HAPPY!! I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL HE OR SHE IS HERE!!" She yelled excited. I've never seen my mother this happy before. She hugged me and Whitey "I'm so haply for you two" she said "Thank you" Whitey and I said at the same time *Time Skip* Whitey and I are lying on my bed. He's slowly rubbing my belly "What do you think it'll be?" I asked him "I don't know, it would be amazing if we had a little me running around but I would love it to have a mini you" I giggled "So you really want this?" I asked him again "Love I wanted to be a father with the girl I love" he said "And you are not just the girl I love, you ate also the girl I want" he kissed me softly and lied me down on his chest and we both fell asleep
*End of Chapter 33*

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