Chapter 42

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Whitey Winn Imagine:
*Chaper 42*

Your POV
We both sat down on the couch. Whitey gave me some tea "Are you feeling better Love?" He asked. I nodded slowly in response "Why were you so scared earlier?" He asked "I woke up and it was just like the nightmare I had" I told him "I was scared that my dream would be real" he held me close "He's dead, you know that" "I know" he grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze "I love you" he said "Love you too" I kissed his lips briefly. "I never thought I would be this happy to have someone in my life" he told me "Same here" I said.

*Time Skip*
We walked back into the hospital. Today was the day that my mom got to come back home!! I'm so exited to have her back home!!
We walked into her room and we saw her in her normal clothes and sitting on the edge of the bed. When we walked in she looked up "Darlings!" She said and jumped up to hug us both "How are you Mrs. Griffin?" Whitey asked before I could "I'm fine Whitey and how are you two?" She asked "We are fine mom" I told her "Can we go home now? I'm tired of this place" she said. We laughed a little and then nodded.
*End of Chapter 42*

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