Chapter 13

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Whitey imagine:
Chapter 13

I'm in my room looking out of the window. Suddenly a knock on the bedroom door is heard. "Yeah?" My mom opens it. I sigh. "I want you to complain me something!" She says and sit on the bed. "Urg what?" I look out off the window. "Look at me young lady. Why is everyone talking about you. You shot a girl in the shoulder. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?" She yelled the last thing. I couldn't help but cry. "BECAUSE OF YOU AND DAD. IF HE WOULD NOT LEFT US. THERE WOULD BE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. AND STOP SAYING IM LIKE MY DAD OKAY.. I HATE HIM AND YOU." I yell and run out off the house. Without my jacket. Only my gun. I run up to my horse and drive to whiteys house. I knock on the door and a older girl opens the door. "Hello lady what's wrong come in." She leads me in. "You want a beer?" "No tea please." (Reminds me of nowhere boy. But the last phrase is different 😂) she immediately makes me some tea. "You here for whitey?" She asks. "Yes... Where's He?" I askWhile she gives me some tea. "Still in the deputy house. If you want I can get him for you. Sometimes he's there till morning." I sip my tea. "It's okay. I will get him by myself." I smile. "Okay but first finish you tea." I nod.
When I'm done with my tea I say her goodbye and go to the deputy house. I knock three times on the door and wait when someone opens it. "It's open." Whitey yelled. I immediately go inside. "Hey whitey." I run into his arms. "Hey why are you here?" He asks. At the same time I hear my mom yell out my name really mad. "Because of that whore outside."

*End chapter 13*

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