Chapter 45

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Whitey Winn Imagine:
*Chapter 45*

Your POV
I was doing the dishes when I felt strong arms around my waist and a hot breath against my neck "What'ya doing?" he asked "Seriously? I'm doing the dishes, can't you see that?" I said and pointed with my head to the dishes. "Love, I'm bored" He said "And I have to do the dishes why don't you just go read or something, I'll be right there" I said "But I want you to be there with me" he whined "Whitey" I warned "I'll be right there with you, I promise" I kissed his cheek and he walked away. Pouting. "Whitey stop that" I said and cupped his face "But I miss you" He said "Babe, I'll be right there but I promised my mother I would do he dishes first" I told him "Okay" He said "Give me one minute okay?" I asked. He nodded and walked away. I quickly finished doing the dishes and walked to the living room. But Whitey wasn't there "Babe?" I said. I then felt that my feet left the ground "Finally!!" He said. He walked to the couch and sat us down, me on his chest. He picked up the book from the table and I start to read it. "He w-wa-wal...." I stuttered "He walked" Whitey whispered in my ear "Thanks Whitey. He walked o-on the st-street" I said "Yeah! Good job Love! Okay keep going" He said "W-When he ar-arrived at t-the hou-se, he walked in-into the house" I looked at Whitey and I saw him smiling "What?" I asked "You are so cute when you are reading" He said "But did I do it right?" He nodded "Yes you did Love" I smiled and turned back to the book and start reading again. "It was a really dark house" I then felt something wet on my neck. "Whitey what are you doing?" "I give you a reward" He mumbled against my neck.
*End of Chapter 45*

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