Chapter 16

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Whitey winn imagine:
Chapter 16:

Me and whitey walk hand in hand to the deputy house. When he opens the door some man are locked up. “Stay by the desk. We don’t know what they gonna do.” Whitey whispers so I sit by the desk. I look and I see a book. It’s about a father and her daughter. I open it but immediately lay it back. “Y/N? Can you please get some bread and water for these man?” Whitey asks while checking on them. “Of course.” I go out off the deputy house to a farm. I see some fresh bread but I don’t have money. I hide back to whitey. “Whitey I don’t have money.” I Say. “Ow yeah right.” He grabs some money and handed it me. “Thank you.” I kiss his nose and go back to the farm. “2 bread please.” The man gives me bread. I thanked him. When I walk back I see my..... dad? I have to run past him. When I walk past him he looks at me. I give him a death look. “Don’t you dare to give me that look Y/N.” He says and looks mad. “And don’t you dare to talk to me again.” I Say and Was about to walk away. “I know you work for that deputy boy. If you don’t do what I’m saying to you. I will kill him.” “DONT YOU DARE!” I yell. He slaps me in my face. I fell to the ground groaning in pain. “I want 5000 dollars you understand? If you don’t have it at the end of the month. That boy will die and you too.” He says. His breath in my face. I run away. Should I tell whitey about this? If I’m gonna do this. I would be like my father. That’s something I don’t want. Maybe it’s good to wait first. I don’t want whitey to die. I love him.

*End chapter 16*

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