Chapter 10

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*Chapter 10*  After a little game Whitey and I played  we went back to the village. We just walked back when there were two guys shooting at some horses and people. "HEY!!" I yelled when they turned to me I saw the guys my father once talked with at our home. They recognized me "Well well well look who we have here!! Y/N....." I shot him in his stomach "You don't have the right to call me that! Not anymore!! I am not that little girl anymore so I suggest you leave so you won't die! Or you die here with me! Your choice!!" I yelled at him. They brought there horses to me and said "This won't be the last time we will meet" and then I said "You better leave nebore i make you leave" they ran away and the whole village looked at me. Then I felt an arm around my shoulder "We need to talk to the sherrif about you" Whitey whispered in my ear "I don't think that's a good idea Whitey" "Of course it is! You are a great shooter" He and I start walking to the station "Where did you even learn tTo shoot like that?" He asked. 'My Dad' I thought "Oh no one" I said "No  I'm serious, who?" He asked again "Okay okay! My Dad thought me when I was younger! He said I would be needing it when I was know to protect myself" his face slit up "He learned you everything?" He asks and I nodded "Yeah....I was the best shooter my old village had" I laughed at a memory I had and then snapped back to the real world. "Who is your dad actually?" Whitey asked "No one" I told him. I hate lying to people but no one can find out about my father! No one! I don't know what will happen if someone does....... *End of Chapter 10*

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