Chapter 17

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Whitey Winn imagine:
*Chapter 17*

Your POV
Shit what am I going to do now? If I don't do what my father says he will kill Whitey!! But I don't want to help my father!!! But I can't let him kill the boy I love.....the boy I love and I still haven't really told him yet. He can't just let me choose! Well actually he van he is my father.....should I tell Whitey? I have to tell him!! I have to tell him everything!! I looked around and saw Whitey standing there talking to the Sherrif. I ran towards him "Whitey!!" I said "Hey Love" he said "We have to talk" "Can't it wait? I am in a conversation right now!" He said "It's about my father!" I said he turned his face to me and so did the sherrif "MY FATHER, WHITEY!!" I yelled trying to hold back my tears "He said.....bring me 5000 dollars by the end of the month or I'll shoot that boy will die" he looked at me confused "Whitey that boy is you!" "H-How is this possible? I thought your father...." I cut him off "HE IS NOT!! AND HE RIGHT THERE!!" I pointed at the Sherrif station and he looked shocked. The the sherrif asks me "That man is your father?" I nodded slowly "Whitey I am so sorry I never told you before but..." He cut me off by kissing my lips. When we broke our kiss he whispered to me "I don't care, you told me now" he smiled and so did I. The sherrif interrupted "So can you tell us anything about this man?" "Well I haven't seen him in a long time but maybe I can tell something I remember" he nodded "On one condition....Whitey stays there with me" he nodded again.                                                   *End of Chapter 17*

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