Chapter 37

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Your POV
The next day I woke up by Whitey nuzzeling his nose into the crook of my neck. I smiled at the feeling. I turned around so I could see his face. His hair was messy and he nuzzeled his nose back into the crook of my neck and mubled "Love, never leave again" "I never left, Whitey" I whispered back "Yes you did, last night" he looked up and net my eyes "Whitey I had to pee I can't just turn that off" "But I missed you" he whined "I was only gone for 2 minutes" I said "I know but I love you too much" "Aww Love you too" I kissed his cheek. "Hey Love do you still remember the first day we met?" He asked me "Well yeah! It wasn't that long ago"

"I'll get it!" I said and got up. When I opened the door I saw that cute guy....... "Uh Hi! You just moved here right?" He asked, the only thing I did was stare in his eyes. He then snapped me out of my thoughts "Uh miss?" He said "Uh sorry! Yes I just moved here!" I said "Well I just wanted to say that if you need anything or have any questions you can ask me" he smiled "Awe thanks" he kissed my hand "I will see you around then" he walked away but I stopped him "Oh wait!! What's your name??" He turned back to me "Whitey Winn" and with that he walked away. He is so cute!!
----End of Flashback----

"Why were you staring at me?" He asked "I just.....I got lost in your eyes" "How can you get lost in my eyes?" He asked me "I don't know it happens all the time and I can't help it" I looked into his eyes again. I started to stare again "Y/N....Love....Baby!" He snapped me out of my thoughts "Sorry"
*End of Chapter 37*

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