Chapter 11

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*Chapter 11*
Whitey looked at me confused "Love, why aren't you telling me these things. I feel like you are lying to me" he said "I'm sorry Whitey but I am not lying about anything" of course I am lying to him! He can't know the truth. "Love, a father is a special person in a girl her life, so he wasn't no one... You know you cab tell me anything right?" He said and I sighted "He was no one" I told him again "Why do I don't believe that" he said while driving me into the sherrif station and closing the door "Whitey" I said "Why can't you just tell me?" He asked "BECAUSE HE WAS A CRUEL MAN! HE LEFT ME AND MY MOTHER AND I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT HIM!! I HATE HIM HE LEFT ME WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE!! NOT EVEN A NOTE, NOTHING!!" I Yelled while tears rolled down my cheeks. Whitey pulled me into his chest and warped his arms around me "I am so sorry Love, I didn't know I should've never pushed that far" "I-It's okay, y-you don't know" I sniffed. He lifted my chin and stared deep into my eyes, I seriously could drown in his eyes. "I'm sorry" He whispered, I could feel his hot breath on my face "Don't be" I told him, he smiled a little before kissing my forehead and pulling me into his chest again.
Whitey POV
I kissed her forehead before pulling her back into my chest. When we made eye contact I just realized that....... I might be in love with her. The way she looks at me sometimes, I really have to keep myself from attacking her lips. She just looks so perfect sometimes..... Actually always. Oaky I'm sure, I am in love with her.
*End of Chapter 11*

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