Chapter 12

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*Chapter 12*
Whitey POV
She wiped her eyes and looked into my eyes again. I wiped one last tear of her cheek before I start stroking it. She smiled and blushed at the same time, it was adorable. "You okay again?" I asked her, she nodded slowly but blushed harder 'You are so cute when you do that' I thought "What?" She asked confused "You think I'm cute?" She asks "Did I just say that out loud?" She nodded "I am so sorry Love. Please don't hate me! I didn't...." She puts her finger on my lips "It's okay. N-No one h-has ever called me that before" she said looking away, I lift her face again "How can no one ever told you that?" I asked her and she said "I don't know" I smiled and saw that it was turning dark "I have to go home" she said "I'll walk you home" I told her and warped my arm around her shoulder. When we arrived at her home I let her go again, although I didn't want to let go. "Well I'll see you tomorrow then I guess?" I ask her, she smiles and nods slowly "Of course" she said
Your POV
"Goodnight then" he said kissing my hand lightly and walking away. "Wait!!" I yelled, he turned around and I ran towards him "Yes?" He asked, I kissed his cheek "Goodnight Whitey" He smiled like a little kid and I smiled a little too "Bye!" I said and walked into my house. I blushed like CRAZY!! I just kissed his cheek!! I am freaking out right now!! Then my mom appeared "And where have you been all day?" She asked me "Out" I said "With who?" She asked "That is non of your business! Stick your nose in someone else's life!" I snapped at her. Why does she always have to ask questions! It is not like I was looking for my father!

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