Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

I walk back to the living room. I smile like a idiot. But I decide to help my mom with unpacking.

*Time skip.*
When I’m done I want to discover the village. I ran to my room and put a cute light blue dress on. “Mom I’m going to discover the village. Do you maybe need something for dinner maybe?” I yell from my room. “Yes. Some potato’s and carrots.” She yelled back. I pick a basket and go outside. I’m walking till I came into the busy streets of la Belle. All girls are watching me with devil looks. I walk to a blacksmith to ask him something. “Excuse me sir?” He turns around. “Hello little lady. You need help?” He asks and continue his work. “Yes I’m new here and I was wondering where the food store is.” I ask him sweetly. “Ow it’s the street left. It’s in front of the deputy house. “Okay thank you.” “Wait what’s your name?” The old man asked. “My name is Y/N Y/L/N” I smile hoping he wouldn’t know my dad. He has the same last name. He only nods. “Okay bye.” I wave and walk to the store. When I walk into the street I can see whitey sitting on a chair. I smile. I go into the store and ask for the things I need. When I walk out off the store I see whitey is talking to a other older boy. Who’s that? I thought. I hear the bell from the store and it took his attention. I walk shy out the store. Hoping I wouldn’t do something weirds.

*End chapter 3*

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