Chapter 60

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Whitey Winn Imagine:
*Chapter 60*

*Time Skip*
Whitey POV

----Whitey's dream----
I woke up by the sun shining through the curtains. I looked next to me but Y/N wasn't there. Probably downstairs. I put on my clothes and go downstairs "Y/N? Y/N where are you?" I then hear a giggle "Love I'm to tired to play hide and seek right now. I just woke up" There was another giggle I walked to the kitchen and saw Louise standing there "L-Louise" I stuttered "Baby! Finally! You are awake! I was already making us breakfast" She said "Y/N! Where is she?!" I almost yelled "Whitey what are you talking about? She's dead you know that" She said "W-what?" "Baby why do you care about her? Here maybe I can help you with...'forgetting' that girl" She said and pushed me against the counter top and started to kiss me "No! NO!" But she just continued "Louise! Stop!!" 
----End of Dream----

I then shot awake and started to breath heavy. "Whitey? Whitey, Baby what's wrong?" I heard Y/N's voice whisper. I let my hand go through my hair. "Whitey?" I heard her whisper. I then Felt her hands cup my cheeks "Nightmare?" I nodded "Come here" she let me cry into the crook of her neck. I felt her rubbing my back slowly. She lied us down me on her chest "Do you want to go back to sleep?" I shook my head "What happened?" She asked "Louise....and y-you were d-dead" She  wiped my tears. Why do I cry so much the past few days? I asked myself. "Shh" She whispered and then I heard her soft voice singing a lullaby she wrote for the baby. It really calmed me down. "Close your eyes" She whispered and then continued to sing. I did as she told me and fell asleep.
*End of Chapter 60*

A/N: Hey guys please let me know a baby name for a boy and a girl!! Maybe I will use the name you invented! Love you all!!

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