Chapter 34

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Whitey winn imagine:
Chapter 34

I slowly woke up by a delicious smell of eggs and bacon. I stretch my arms and rub my eyes. I stand up and walk downstairs seeing whitey making breakfast.
“Morning.” I smile and pull my arms around him from behind. “Morning love. You sleep well?” He asks and turns around facing me. “I always sleep good when you’re next to me.” I kiss him. His hands go around my waist.
“I love you and our prince.” “Or princess.” I giggle. “Yeah sorry.” He laughs back. “Your mom is doing the laundry so she will be back in a hour.” Whitey says and gives my nose a kiss. I nod and grab my breakfast. *TIME SKIP *
Me and whitey are in the deputy house. I sit on whiteys lap and he strokes my tummy. “You okay?” He asks for the 100000000000 time. “Yes whitey. Don’t worry.” I smile. “If something is wrong with me I will tell you.” I stroke his cheek. “Okay.” He whispers.
There are gunshots again. “As much as I love you two. You two stay here and don’t move. If I let you go with me. Or I will risk you.” He says and kiss my cheek. “Okay. Be careful. I don’t wanna lose you.” I kiss his nose. “Of course I will be careful. Love ya.” “Love ya too.” I blow him a kiss and he leaves.
I’m so worried about him now. My dad is around here and if he founds him. All alone. My dad would kill him.
I’m thinking these thoughts the whole day. Does it really take that long? I’m getting more and more worried. I’m sorry whitey. I thought and grab my jacket. I go outside and follow the gunshots sounds.
When I arrive I see Maggie and my mom. She’s all under blood. “MOM!” I run up to them. I tried to grab my gun but.... it’s gone. “Shit.” “LEAVE MY MOM ALONE AND WHERES WHITEY?” I yell/cry. “Your boyfriend. He’s there.” My dad point at the carriage where whitey lays. He looks death but I can see he’s breathing.
*End chapter 34.*

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