Chapter 18

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Whitey winn imagine:
Chapter 18:
I sit on whiteys lap. “Well I don’t know if you know him. His name is frank griffin..” the sheriff cut me off. “Wait what? He’s the biggest criminal in the west world. Whitey we need to talk.” He says. “Okay but Y/N is aloud to hear it too.” He says and held me tighter. “This man is gonna kill people if we don’t stop him. Y/N he’s dangerous. But because you his daughter we don’t know if you... you know.” I look at him confused. “No sheriff. I’m not like my dad please don’t say you gonna banish me out of the village.” I Say feeling really scared. “No no love. We just have to keep you here and I will protect you no matter what. We gonna make a plan okay.” He holds my hand. I nod and peck his lips again.

Time skip

After sitting in the deputy house for like hours we heard some gunshots. Whitey grabs my hand. “You stay here okay.” He looks me in the eye. “No whitey I will help.” “No you not going...” I cut him off. “Whitey. I’m the best shooter that is seen in ages. I can protect myself and help.” I Say and stand up to grab my gun. “Okay but stay with me.” I nod. We grab hour horses. I look and some criminals are by a family house. And I see my——dad. O god why? I climb off my horse and load my gun. I shoot my dad in his leg and he let on off the woman’s children fall to the ground. Whitey shoot the other man to death. “Y/N I knew you where coming.” My death smirks. “You really think you’re better than me with guns. Dream off it.” He shoot me in my leg. I scream in pain. My father left. I see whitey face hovering above me. “Whitey help.” “It’s okay.” He picks me up at bride style and brings me to the nurse.

*End chapter 18*

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