Chapter 1

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Georgia's pov

Oh,I can't believe it...

We meet again,everybody! Still remember who I am? Again,it's Georgia Goldenfield! It's been so long since everything had past. Wow,time flew by so quickly...

Still remember what happened in the previous decades? Well,we shouldn't worry about that and just leave it behind. It's time for a new event to occur,and I hope it's not one of those anxiety rising thing. You know what I mean...

Anyways,today is Saturday and I'm currently to the end of finishing my novel. I never realize that I had read it this far. Damn...

Me and my friends hadn't had any plans to hang out this weekend cause everyone just wants to do their own thing, it feels like they need to. Of course,we just want to refresh our brains from those conflicts but here I am,sitting so well on a comfy chair reading whatever random story I picked.

And also,our class did rotate to a different changes now. Remember Alexandra Carlos Timberlake and her gang of homies? Yup,they didn't change that much but does made me proud,though.

Plus,Margo is already a mother in this age,but she don't care about that fact,and neither any of us. And I gotta say,she and Evangeline are good wives and good mothers. God,bless them.

Well,everything was now back to normal,all is good,no more gloomy days and sadness. No more fighting...but hey,am I missing something here?

Oh,that's right. I even forgot it myself,damn my old mind. Do any of you still remember that time where we pestered Taegan,telling her how much she looks like Michael Jackson? Still know it,eh?


Yup,she was so worked up back there.

I think she completely forgot all about it since other things also clouded her mind,but what would happen if we bring that topic again?


You guys are thinking what I'm thinking,right?


Welp,guess it's lunch time now. My mother calls me from the kitchen and I can hear her this far. I know,I have powers.

Don't forget about the Michael Jackson topic.

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