Chapter 15

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Taegan's pov

I stop walking and already standing in front of the hotel along with the girls. They all look at me as though I'm sort of a goddess,but I know it's the fact that I strikingly resemble so much like Michael Jackson.

"Hey,who do we have here?" One of the girls said to me. She has black shoulder-length hair,black eyes,wore a brown short-sleeved hoodie,white pants and black sneakers. I stare at her up and down,and I know which celebrity this girl strikingly resembles to.
Bruno Mars.

"This was unbelievable,man! She freaking looks like the King Of Pop!" Another girl exclaims. I switch my gaze to see her. She also has shoulder-length hair but it's semi blonde with dark brown color at the bottom,and she has brown-hazel eyes. She wore a white t-shirt with a picture of Mount Everest,black skirt with dark blue jeans and red converse shoes.

Holy mother fucking rose,she looks like Justin Bieber!

"Calm down. We don't wanna squeeze her." The girl who looks like Bruno Mars stare back at me,giving a smile that was the same as him. God,I must be delusional!

"I'm Olivia Allenjessett,nice to meet you!" I chuckle nervously as I reach out to shake her hand. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Taegan Rudd." The second girl that looks like Justin Bieber slide in front of me,being the next to give a handshake. "And I'm Sadie Earl! People keep calling me Sadie Bieber but you know how much I hate that."

I giggle. Gosh,why do I find her so funny?

"So,a girl with Michael Jackson's features,eh?" Again,another girl said that,as I felt a hand landing on my right shoulder. I turn to the left. She has black hair styled into twinbraids,wore a red hoodie,black pants and grey coloured ankle boots. I can't see her eyes because she wears sunglasses,but a second later she take it off to show me her full face. She has black eyes and do anyone knew who she resemble to?

Eddie Murphy!

"How ya' doing? The name's Candice Ralston,whom everybody called me the female version of Eddie Murphy." I giggle again at the way she talks. Cause Michael Jackson and Eddie Murphy are best friends so this might be a...


"Hello there!" Another voice of a girl was heard,but I was a bit surprised because that voice sounded a little bit similar to Sylvia's,but I wasn't so sure. And there she was,running around me.

She has black long hair,violet eyes,wore a short sleeved white dress and black shoes. I focus on her for a moment trying to figure out which celebrity she resemble to,and an answer flash through my head.

She looks like Freddie Mercury,yup.

"It's nice to meet you,Taegan! I'm Rosabelle Whitley!" I smile and shake her hand,giving her the same response.

It was then when the other girls starts cheering,and I have no choice but to look behind. I saw a girl approaching us,Miss Rochel waves while calling out to her.

That color of the dress...

Reminds me of one celebrity who sometimes wears purple.

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