Chapter 43

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Taegan's pov

Me,Rosabelle and Angelica had came back from buying snacks;okay,let me tell you guys. We bought a bunch of snacks,and it's all because Rosabelle is hella rich. But what we meant by 'bunch',it's not too many but just really enough for everyone to share.

We decided to keep it in storage to save it for our last days of this camping trip,so that we would know how to celebrate the times we spent together. I was happy to make new friends,but I will never forget my old buddies back in Mainwood.

Gosh,time flew by so fast.

Anyways,I went back to the hotel room me and Everest shared,and when I step inside,she was sitting on the couch, totally in her own engulfment of reading a book. I smile;wow,never thought she was also a serene one. She kinda reminds me of Georgia,cause she's like a sublime warlock. Okay,forgive me. She is not a warlock.

"Oh,you came back," Everest said to me,when she notice I'm already here. "Yeah,just going on an outing."

I sit down on the bed and sigh. Geez,all those walking made me hella tired. And plus,I'm pretty much of both doors, but I'd rather be in a room with air-conditioning.

I take a secret peek towards my roommate,and just like that, my face are starting to go tomato red. Am I actually already falling for her,or am I just fantasizing? I'm still maintaining my asexuality,aren't I? Or am I losing half of it?



I wait for Everest to speak back of what she wanted to say, but by the look on her face,I can tell she was lost at words.

"Let's just see if you agree for that,then we'll make it official."

Does she mean by...our relationship?

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