Chapter 62

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Georgia's pov

I spotted Taegan from a distance,seeing her running towards us. The others saw her too,and they're all screaming out her name. Me and Miss Arlene look at each other and smile. "She had finally return," my teacher said. I nod.

Taegan's pov

"GUUUYS!" I shouted. My voice was probably so loud the whole park could hear it. I finally collide into my friends and they all started hugging me non-stop. Sylvia was so happy she couldn't control herself. I laugh.

"Oh my god,Taegan! You're already back! We've missed you!" Willow then butt in, "Oh gosh,the months has been so long for you!" Odette and Inez took their turns to hug me. "We're so glad you're back,Taegan."

"Heyo! Our man's back!" I hear Alexandra and her homies say. I chuckle as I hug them. "Gosh,you guys are such!" I said. Then Jayline,Selene and Crystal hug me. "I missed you three,oh my god." Crystal pats my back, "It's okay. You're back to us now."

As I already hug all my friends,saying how much I really missed them,I look around waiting for Georgia. Cause I haven't saw her. That's when I heard her voice.

"Welcome back,Taegan." I spot her leaning on the huge tree,and I rush to give her a hug. I almost cry. She is the first person that I really miss. "Gosh,it felt like I couldn't see you anymore."
"Silly,you just came back."

Just then,I saw Miss Arlene behind Georgia,smiling. "Welcome home,Taegan. It's been three and a half months."
"Miss Arlene..." I then hug her. I really didn't know that she misses me as well.

Margo and Evangeline came to me and then we hug. I knew it. My old buddies never forget me when I'm away, even for those months.

"We heard that you got a girlfriend," Margo said to me,and I start to giggle. "Yup,I already have." Apparently,they knew it,and started cheering me on.

Beatrix nudge me on the shoulder. "How does she look like,dude? Pretty and slim?"
"I guessing she's looking damn fine and flirty," Therese added. Alex lets out a whistle,and so was Isadora.

Georgia gives me a grinny expression. "Next time,why don't you invite her to come here? It's great if she knew us as well." I roll my eyes tentatively. "Ugh,sure. Why not?" We both laugh.

I had never be this surprised when they organized me a homecoming party at our hanging-out place,this is the most special day ever. And I guess that I can introduce Everest to them one day.

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