Chapter 18

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Taegan's pov

We were escorted to our rooms bringing our luggages along. Our reserved rooms are on the second floor of the hotel. We walk along the hallway with our roommate. I gotta say this but the girl is holding my hand calmly without saying anything. I was nervous to the stomach when I look at her.

The others step inside their rooms and I guess both of us are the last ones. Miss Rochel brought us to our own room and I thank her before she left. I feel the girl's grip around my hand loosens so I took a quick chance to slip off. Gosh,that was awkward!

I gaze around the room. It's so cool,the design is amazing. They've even got a big ass television and a table and chairs for us to have food. There was only one bed but it's big,I guess it was queen-sized if I'm not mistaken. I have to be careful with where I sleep because I know sure as heck the girl's gay. I never was sure but still,I have to be extra careful.

"Who's gonna bath first? You or me?" She ask,her voice got me to turn towards her. Why does it have to be so soothing and...ugh.

"Uhh..." I fidget with my fingers trying to figure out a better answer. "I think you should go first. I'll bathe later." The girl raises her eyebrow. "You sure?"

I nod nervously. "Y-Yeah."

She took a bath towel and her new clothes out of her luggage and head towards the bathroom. "They've even got a bathtub in here," she said again. Should I respond or not? No. Just be quiet like the fragile girl you are.

Her name is Everest Laurel Cambridge,right? Can I talk to her while she's bathing?


"What?" Phew,I can still talk to her. "Your name is Everest, isn't that right?"

"Yeah. You must be Taegan." I reply with a 'yes' and try to think of other questions. Ah,I think I would just have a conversation with her after this.

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