Chapter 57

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Georgia's pov

Hey,now. It's the early of October and few more weeks are going on till Taegan comes back,so me and my friends decided to hold a party as to celebrate her homecoming. We just don't wanna surprise her with hugs,it's dull and not enough.

Apparently,it was my idea to do this since Taegan was my best friend ever since last year when we've first met. And if she brings along her new girlfriend or should I say;fiancee, we could give her a warm welcome as well. But if it were me,I would give her a stern advice to take care of my friend and treat her well.

If she really loved Taegan very much.

Right now,we are all in the class gathering together,discussing of how we're gonna surprise her by coming up with a dopey party. Alexandra and her homies suggest there will be a lit opening,but naah. I wanted a smooth and classic type of way,but kinda a bit jumpy too.

"Hey. Why don't we hold the party in Renforth Park? It's our own place now so nobody is gonna bother our privacy," Willow said. I actually agree on that. It would be cool if we had it in Nerthian Park,but we couldn't get someone to make sure the park will be temporarily private for only us. Having so many unknown people surrounding around us could be embarrasing.

"That was actually great! We'll hold the party in Renforth Park. I will call Taegan tonight and tell her about meeting us there by the time she has returned. And I mean,after she returned."

Everybody agrees,and I give off several tasks to some of my friends. Miss Arlene approach me afterwards,and said, "Georgia,will it be okay if I join you along? I kinda miss Taegan too,since she's giving off generous scent in the class."

I nod happily. "Sure,ma'am!"

This is going to be a very huge surprise ever!

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