Chapter 13

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Taegan's pov

The day has come finally. I was shook from body to bottom because this is the first time I went on a camping trip but it's not really a trip;we're staying in a hotel reserved for privacy so no further interference.

It was Monday now and I was outside my house bidding goodbyes to my caretaker and Lisa,my parents will be out in a sooner or minute to send me to Holloway City Park.

"Bye bye,big sis."
"Bye,Lisa. Be a good little sister when I'm gone,alright?"

She hums and nod in response. We hug once again and so with my caretaker. She is really kind and always look after me when I was little,and would always babble to my parents about how much I really look like Michael Jackson. God,these never stops.

"Taegan,are you ready?" My mom ask as she and my dad walk out. I smile and reply, "Yes."

I check my belongings again to make sure I didn't leave out anything,and for sure my wardrobe is almost empty. I brought several food just in case. And I bring all my secret saved money. Gosh,this really sounds like I'm going to stay in a dorm.

"Goodbye!" I yell,waving one last time to my little sister and caretaker. I try not to shed a tear because I'm sensitive when it comes to separating with my family,but I'm clearly used to it.

And off we go.

-time skip-

Holloway is several inches far from where I live and Mainwood,and it's going to take half an hour to go there. Imagine if you walk all the way from there to your house you're going to be dead at the side of the road.

I take out my phone and went to the gallery,and scroll down all the pictures I've taken with Georgia and the rest of our friends,no matter which place we are.

I was pretty bored so I look at the scenery outside,the trees and everything. I've never travel this freaking far,I would always get sleepy and drift off to sleep. Not this time,I guess.

"We're here," I hear my dad say,and I blink as we pull up to a stop in front of the gate. I got out of the car and bring out my bags,and carry them.

The gate open and there stood the manager,Miss Rochel. I love her smile and her delicate skin;she's just like an angel.

"Welcome. You're finally here,Taegan."

I smile and wave my hand,before turning back to face my parents.

"Always be happy,okay?"

"Okay,mom,dad." The three of us hug once again,rubbing each other's back. "We're going to miss you so much."

And as we parted,we say our final goodbyes,and my parents get in the car and drove off,with me waving again. They will always remember me,I know.

"Okay,now. Let's go in," Miss Rochel said,patting my shoulder. I nod and let her help me to carry my heavy luggage,while I carry my backpack.

I wonder what type of celebrities is the other girls going to resemble to?

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