Chapter 10

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Marielle's pov

"Mini fast food for everyone! Mini fast food for everyone!" I yell through the red speaker I'm holding in my hand just after stepping into the class,catching everybody's attention. Christa snd Audrey sprint towards my direction;they will be my first customers.

"I want one!"
"Me too!"

All my friends clamber around me waiting for their turn to buy my sausages and fries with chilli sauce,and goddamn I got so many dollars in a fast pace!

"Holy shit,man! This is delicious!" Beatrix said. I just chuckle. "Go on! Enjoy it!"
Selene praises me for the food I made,and they all seem to like it. The door opens behind me and Georgia and Taegan walks in,and I scoot over to them.

"Here's for you both!" Georgia excitedly takes the package from my hand and hands a dollar,Taegan does the same only she wasn't laughing enough. What's wrong though?

Taegan's pov

I had bought Marielle's food but decided not to be all too squealy about it,since I have to tell them the news that I won't be back for three and a half months. I kinda feel a little sad to leave my friends but I hope making new friends is okay for me.

I breath in and out as Georgia shouts, "Taegan wants to say something,everyone!"

All my other friends turn to look at us,and Willow stare at me with kind eyes. She knows what's coming.

"Guys,I want to tell you that I'm participating in a camping programme and I won't be back for three and a half months. I'm going to miss all of you but I promise to be back."

Gosh,my eyes are welling.

Some of them let out awes and all that,Alex and her homies clicks their tongues as though they're admitting defeat and I hear a few sniffles.

"We're going to miss you,Taegan," they all respond together,and hug me one by one wishing me good luck. And that's when my tears fell,oh my god.

Georgia leans nearer to me and whisper in my ear.

"Good luck,MJ Girl Junior."

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