Chapter 38

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Taegan's pov

As soon as I step into the hotel room I shared with Everest, I expect myself to be pushed down on the bed all of a sudden by her and started making out a little,but nope.

She was just chilling on the couch,watching some show on the television. I breathe a sigh of relief,but still I was scared and nervous at the same time.

Does she really meant it? The fact that she would make me change my sexuality and then...the thing we'll do on the bed happens?

Nope,nope,nope. I'm not ready for all the love making. I mean,I know I'm asexual but as I get older I will start to like guys,then maybe having an official relationship,getting married,then to the making love thing. Now that is my way of getting a boyfriend,or a husband and start a family.

I slowly went to grab a glass of water to drink,then I peek over at her. She seemed so chill,no flirty glares or anything.

But I kinda feel bad because I think I got a little too harsh on her,just because she wants to make me...hers. I shrug it off and went to sit beside her. She looks at me and smiles.

"You're back."

"Yeah,just following them outside to get some fresh air."

Everest put on a smirk before turning back to the tv. I felt my cheeks starting to blush,and that's when I thought of something. And I mean,for real.

"Um,Everest..." She turn back to me. "What is it?"

Okay,here goes nothing.

"You were a little bored lately,and there's a story I want to tell you. But I'm not resenting you at all."


So I told her about my friend,Margo having a baby at this age but from the cause of rape by her uncle,and now she has a girlfriend and they're both mothers. And to tell the truth,Everest seem to get the hang of it.

"I feel concerned. I didn't know something like that would happen to her."

I nod. "Yeah. But she's okay now."

Everest sighs before shaking her head a little.

That's when I think...that maybe becoming homosexual is quite normal,since many people support lgbtq+ now.

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