Chapter 40

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Taegan's pov

We all gather at the restaurant just like usual as Miss Rochel said,only this time we just ordered ourselves to go there instead of getting ordered.

While waiting for our breakfasts to come,we're chatting about some things. Candice started bothering me a little for a moment and she's really annoying me off.

"Ugh,can you stop with what you're doing?" I said blatantly, rolling my eyes at her. She just smirks like it's not a big deal. "That's kinda funny though. I thought you and I might be good partners." I quirk my eyebrows at her response. Did she just...say...a pick-up line?

I slowly turn towards Everest because she is just on my left, and I'm going to be super afraid if she heard that. But thankfully,she just stare into nothing. I think they're both rivaling to see who will get me,because I never see them talk.

Not once in my vision.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Partners? Come on, Candice!"
"I meant it though. But if you don't want to,then I don't mind. I still have Rosabelle~."

I whisper a reply to her aggresively. "God damn it, you're so flirtatious!" I think she is kinda bisexual,cause that's how she is! Trying to act slick!

Olivia,Sadie and Alicius were playing around. I guess they still don't know what happens yet,but we're gonna let it all out once it's...official. Yeah,that's what I mean.

Just then,Miss Rochel came to us and started speaking, gaining all our attentions.

"Okay,girls! There's something I want to tell you! I'm going to attend some few errands and will be back in the evening, so make sure you all behave. Understood?"

"Oh yes!" Heidi exclaims,while the rest of us smile. Miss Rochel left,and then Sadie stands on her chair.

"Alright! Miss Rochel will be going out,so we have lots of time to play!"

They cheers,and I just can't help but smile. Just like my old friends,I thought.

And don't get me wrong though. Even if Sadie strikingly looks like Justin Bieber,I feel like she could be way more better than him. I can tell why. There's this one video I saw on Youtube that shows the things that Justin did that was so rude,especially with his fans.

And I guarantee,after you watch that video,you guys will HATE Justin Bieber!

But,we've got a female Justin Bieber here,Sadie Earl,and she is the BETTER version of him.

Not gonna lie. I said that myself.

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