Chapter 26

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Third person pov

-time skip to evening-

As the girls were in their rooms doing their own activities, Miss Rochel goes to check on them to see how they're doing.

"Olivia,Sadie. At 7:00 pm,it's time for dinner. Remind the others,okay?" She said to the two girls,before leaving their hotel room. Sadie nods and gives a thumbs up. "Okay,Miss Rochel!"

Olivia looks at her roommate. "I wonder what's for dinner? I'm in the mood to have sausages with chili sauce. Oh,and french fries!" The other girl shakes her head straightly. "Yo, can you wait till after dinner? We can still go out and buy whatever we want now,man."

"I know,but my mind can't wait." Sadie furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

Taegan's pov

I had just finished having a shower in the bathroom. God,that warm water raining on me is so refreshing! Think I chose the perfect time to have a bath in the evening.

As I got out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my body,I notice that one second Everest was staring at me. Wait,what?

"Gosh,what beautiful shoulders you have there. I never knew you were slim," she said. "Are you on a random diet or something?" I roll my eyes and gives off a smiling smirk. Dude,my friend Sylvia has a way more damn sexy body! She can dance flawlessly as well! And you're saying that I'm beautiful and slim?

"I appreciate your praises but I'm not trying to be thicc. And plus,I'm just a simple girl who loves simple things," I reply sarcastically. Everest smirks. "I love the type of girls who does that."

There it goes again. My face heats up and I feel like my face is gonna go red. Is she trying to be like Prince,or...

"Shut up whatever you're saying,doo!"

She laughs a little at my response. "I meant it though."

I pretend not to listen to her and take my clothes before going back to the bathroom to put it on.

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