Chapter 25

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Taegan's pov

Rosabelle sneers funnily when I had a weird gulpy look on my face. Dominique grins before pointing a finger towards me. "She legit really look like Michael Jackson,holy damn."

I roll my eyes while biting my lip. Candice nudge me in the shoulder and whispers, "You do know that MJ and Eddie Murphy are friends,right? Well,we're both are on the same boat." I quietly suck on my breath. Gosh,we've just met yesterday and now she's being a complete dickhead. I mean, not that she's annoying but I think I'm too legit that she loves getting what's nuts for her. She wants me to do the moonwalk,hell no bitch!

"You know the topic I hate the most? When people said I look like Michael Jackson. I'm not MICHAEL FREAKING JACKSON!"

"So you can't even go out in the public because of that?" Angelica ask,quirking her eyebrow. Everest tries not to laugh,but she couldn't help it.

I stare at her as though she's weird. Why? Am I that worth to be humiliated? Bitch,know your place.

"That's not even funny! I'm serious about it,come on!"

She stops laughing and stare back at me with that soothing look she has. The type which gentlemen usually does.

"What now,saying that I take cosmetic procedures?" I ask a bit angrily. Rosabelle butt in like she own this business. "Female MJ,chill! Girl,are you on drugs or something?" Now that got me triggered.

"Stop calling me those! Michael Jackson was already dead and now my turn?! What are you going to say last,I'm dead from propofol?"

Wait,did I even realize that I got so worked up but these guys never mind? If it's my friends,they would laugh and bug me again and again.

Dominique rests her arms on the small round table in front of us. "Since when did we say that?"

Rosabelle,Angelica and Candice burst out laughing. I roll my eyes again. I look back at Everest,she still stare at me with that...ugh.

"MJ and Prince hated each other,but I'm not gonna hate on you because you're beautiful."

I feel my face heats up a little. Did she just...compliment me?

The air and the wind blows cold,and the sun was nowhere to be seen. We know it's going to rain but I felt myself being spaced out for no actual reason. Maybe Everest's words has some kind of magic that like froze me entirely. But thanks to Sadie's voice calling out to us.

"Hey guys,come on in! It's going to rain soon!"

Candice shouts back, "Sure,we'll be there in a minute!"

I turn back at her before we leave the place. Geez,I gotta say that she's super annoying to the bones.

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