Chapter 6

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Taegan's pov

Me and the young woman walk without saying any words. To tell you the truth,I kinda feel a little bit uncomfortable because she suddenly mention my name and I got up to follow her,and we were walking to a place that God knows where.

She opens the door and smiles at me,gesturing for me to come in. I step inside,feeling another yet cold air strucking my body.

"Um,so what do you want to talk to me about?" I began asking. But just as I gaze to the front,I instantly brush off whichever dust from me,then stood straight looking serious.

"Good morning,Headmistress!"

Yup,it's our school headmistress,Devorah Eastburn. She is already married and had four kids. She is now 38 years old but to us she still looks pretty young. And I heard that her husband is a smart billionaire.

"Good morning,Taegan. My apologies if I had called you in during the lessons." I shook my head. "It's okay. I don't really mind."

I look back at the lady and she still had that same smile. Is she not scared that her mouth will tore like that?

"I guess you haven't know the woman here,right?" Headmistress Eastburn said to me. I gave out an unsure nod,though it'll only make it difficult.

The woman turn to look at me. "I'm Rochel Whitehurst,the manager of middle school camping programme." My eyes widens a little at the words. Wow,never had I heard about a camping programme for middle schoolers.

"Okay...?" That's all I could mutter,because how the heck am I supposed to react?

"I just want to tell you that you were verbally chosen to participate in the celebrity look-alike camping programme."

My smile fades,and I feel myself frowning.

"Taegan,the decision is yours," I hear headmistress say.


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