Chapter 8

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-after school-

Georgia's pov

The school bell had ring now that it is time for all of us to go home,but considering Taegan needs to stay back for some sort of a discussion,I have to keep her company. Or else she'll lose her shit right there and cause a drama.

We bid goodbye to each other,and Crystal told me that she is going to visit Margo and Evangeline with Selene,so I remind her to send my regards to them.

Eventually,I think all of the students had gone out,so it's only me and Taegan alone in the class.
"Let's go now," she said,hauling her schoolbag over her shoulders. I furrow my eyebrows and shrug.
"You don't need to be so uncomfortable."

-slight time skip-

"Headmistress,I'm here again." Both of us greet the headmistress as soon as we step into her office,and we even saw the same young woman sitting on a usual spot, looking hella gorgoeus.

"Oh,I see you were with Georgia,too," Headmistress said again,which I nervously chuckle this time. "I want her to be with me for some reason," Taegan explains,stuttering a bit.

Taegan's pov

Miss Rochel told both of us to sit down,so we did.

"So,have you made your decision?" She ask me. It's like she really is glad if I approve. But without Georgia's words of trust and support I can't. I nervously turn to my friend,and she is ready to speak up.

"Excuse me,miss. What type of programme is this?"
I was about to facepalm when she asked that ridicule repeated question;hadn't I told her already?

"It's a camping programme for middle schoolers,and this theme is called Celebrity Look-Alikes. Now so far,I've only got nine girl campers and I only had one more student to search. And that student has to have a miraculous resemblance to Michael Jackson. And when I got to Mainwood,right here,your friend Taegan Rudd had the King Of Pop's miraculous features. Just look at her."

I grit my teeth at the words 'miraculous features'. Like what,after Michael Jackson died his soul possessed me when I was a toddler and made me look exactly like him? Come on,I was two years old when he died!

I realize that Georgia was staring at me so I look back at her,quite a bit pissed.

"I think you should join in this programme. Sounds fun." Oh my god,that smile! You are going to abandon me!

"Georgia! No,I don't want to!"

"But then you'll make new friends! It's cool to get to know other students from different schools!"

I sigh in exasperation,giving up. Honestly,I don't know what else to say. If that is so,then fine! I'll take part in this programme only for Miss Rochel's sake!

"I'll approve."


"I will participate. But first,may I know how long am I going to be away from school?"

Miss Rochel smiles widely before giving me another reply. "For three and a half months. The camping programme is going to end in 16 October 2019."

Georgia and I gasp. "Now's 6 August. But it won't be too long,will it?"

"I hope it won't," Miss Rochel shakes her head.

I look back at my friend again. She has a supporting smile this time.

"Good luck."

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