Chapter 42

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Taegan's pov

That's strange. I know for a fact that Everest always finish her meals late but now it's a different day. And she has a bit of a stern expression too. Wonder what's going on? But overall,I don't want to interrupt since I hate getting into other people's business.

Rosabelle and Angelica planned to go out and buy snacks, so I decided to come along.


Everest's pov

I finally got to talk with Candice since the look on her face when she's staring at me is quite disapproving, but I guess she immediately agree to it. We're just standing on the side of the hallway so either the cleaner are going to pass by.

She bit her lower lip still looking at me. "What you gonna talk about now,man? I hate wasting time on you."
I sigh first before replying, "I just wanna talk about Taegan, nothing else. If you wanna get with her,I assume that I'm the first one to actually get her."

"Since when did I get with her? Yo,you're homo,man,and I'm hetero. There's no way I would like girls,you are." I grit my teeth as a way of keeping down my anger but I'm a bit relieved. "I hate to get into a feud with you,but I want to let you know this. I fell in love with Taegan not because she looks like MJ,but I love her naiveness. You got that,right?"

Candice stare at me quirkily. "Ooh,looks like it was real this time. I'll support you on that. But too bad she was asexual though." I smirk beckoningly. "Well,she won't for long."

"Good luck," Candice reply. She was about to leave but I manage to stop her again. "Hey. You promise you won't get with her? You sure of that?"

She looks at me,clicking her tongue. "I'm just trying to befriend her,man. But I'll leave her to you on that." And she left.

Okay,so now I know that she won't take Taegan away. Most of all,I'm not playing around. I fell in love with her for real.

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