Chapter 35

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Taegan's pov

Everest left a while ago and I'm locking myself in the bathroom right now,holding my phone near to my ear as I waited for Georgia to answer me. Surely,she did.

"Georgia,I'm in a more serious trouble right now!"

"Hey hey hey,chill. What is it now?"

"Everest...She just...said that...she's going to brainwash me!"

"Brainwash you? What does that mean?"

I sigh when Georgia didn't even know how I feel right now. I'm in a nervous wreck and you're telling me to chill?!

"She's going to make me...change my personality! She's going to turn me into a lesbian and I don't know what to do! My sexuality is in danger! Georgia,help me!"

"...How am I going to help you if you're far away? Don't tell me to teleport and give you a plan,I need so much energy to do that."

"God damn it,why does your powers always have to had some limits?!"

"You can ask God that,not me."

I grunt before facepalming. I am literally on the edge of banging and kicking whatever's around me. Not only my sexuality is in danger,my virginity is in danger too!

"Taegan,I want to ask you a question first."


"Is Everest a hermaphrodite?"

I quirk my eyebrows in confusion. What the hell is a hermaphrodite?

"What is that?"

"It means that a girl was born with a man's penis,and a boy who was born with a woman's vagina. It was very rare but it was normal for both genders. Nothing wrong about them."

"I don't know if Everest has a penis! Moreover,she's gonna get me pregnant if we..."

"Make out super hard?"

I nod nervously at the words, 'make out'.


"Well,how about this? You can ask her if she had a man's dick. Then call me back if you got the result."

"That's kinda embarrasing,Georgia..."

"Well,it's up to you."

I sigh in hopelessness as Georgia hang up. I don't know if I'm on my right mind right now.

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