Chapter 44

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-day skip-

Georgia's pov

It had been several days since Taegan was not here with us. I know time fly by so fast but we all just kinda miss her the same. Like Willow,Odette,Inez,Jayline,Ruthelle and many others always grumble about missing Taegan so much,but I just tell them to wait until the mid of October.

I've been complaining about that to myself as well,but I just hold it down like alright,it's not a big deal. She's gonna be fine,I know it. But I know it's all fake,fake,fake.

And plus,about the issue she's having with Everest,her roommate. She told me Everest strikingly looks like Prince Rogers Nelson. I didn't know about him that much,maybe I just heard his songs and saw his appeareance in videos but all I focus on is Michael Jackson.

Yeah,blame Taegan for that,not me.

She even told me about the other girls she met,like Angelica who looks like Elvis Presley,Candice who looks like Eddie Murphy and so on. But I've been wanting to see this girl she mention about though. Her name is Sadie Earl and Taegan said she look so much like Justin Bieber.

I'll tell you what? Everyone in my class hates Justin Bieber because he treats his fans rudely,uneducated,asshole and so on. And he declare himself as the new King Of Pop,the new Michael Jackson. Bitch,I don't see it!

But I kinda assume the girl who looks like him is way more fine,cause she's funny and all. And she should be a good replacement to Justin Bieber too,she's a totally different opposite!

Anyways,I just hope and pray that Taegan would be happy there,since we're soon entering the beginning of September. And of course,it's now two and a half months and we'll just have to wait.

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