Chapter 34

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Georgia's pov

"She...What?!" Odette exclaims as soon as she sat in front of me,after I tell her that Taegan was caught in a situation... that involves her sexuality.

Yup,that's my curiosity rising thing I'm talking about. Taegan told me earlier on the phone that some girl,I mean her new roommate,just randomly kissed her. Last night, that's when it happened I guess.

And now that I'm telling Odette about it after she realized that I'm blacking out for a moment,she was completely off her role rocker and had that exclamation shocked look on her face. Like,chill friend,Taegan is not getting raped!

I sigh as I roll my eyes. "You heard it. Taegan's roommate just kissed her last night. In their hotel room,of course."

Odette felt like getting into it so she continues. "Her roommate is a girl?? Damn,why didn't she tell us that she's a les- Or is the girl that's a lesbian?" I shrug my shoulders.

"The girl is,I think. But Taegan told that she's asexual. Meaning,she don't feel romantic love for boys or girls. And that's why she got so worked up when we're talking on the phone. Denial,right?"

Odette nods,agreeing to my informations. "But we have no idea how she got wooed so easily."

I click my tongue. That's when my phone rings again,so I decided to have a time to myself. "Excuse me." I left the classroom and went outside,and never hesitates to answer my phone.

Yup,it's Taegan again. But this time it feels as though she couldn't stand it anymore.

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