Chapter 9

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Taegan's pov

"Oh,I see. So that's what is going on," my dad says,before sipping on his coffee. Me,my parents and my little sister Lisa are having quiet dinner at the moment,though I just eat my food even if I lost my appetite.

I told my family about joining the celebrity look-alike camping programme,and they are starting to agree on it surprisingly. My mom said it's a good idea if I join in a long-time event,while my dad thinks that I will learn new things and make new friends.

"I have to start packing this Friday,because the manager, Miss Rochel said that I will have to leave next week. On Monday," I explain again,seeing my parents taking in the information. My mom nods and smiles.

"The programme is going to be held in Holloway City Park. The manager said that there is a hotel reserved of privacy for us. So I guess there aren't many crowding people by then."

I sure love empty places that is quiet so I can have lots of personal space,especially when I'm with my friends. But considering I have to be with the other girl campers from different schools...

"I guess you will have to empty out your wardrobe then," my mom spoke. I smile a little at the statement;guess I have to use my really big purple luggage. "Yeah,it's going on three and a half months. I'm going to miss home. And school too."

"Are you going to come back,big sis?" Lisa ask me,making a cute sad pouty face which made me moved. I smile and hug her. "I will come back,okay? Be a good little girl." Lisa nods slowly.

Tomorrow and the day after is going to be my last days of school,so I have to spend plenty of times as possible with my friends. And I can't forget to taste Marielle's new food before I'm away. I'm going to miss out a lot of lessons but it doesn't matter.

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