Chapter 58

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-random day skip-

Taegan's pov

Guess what,everyone? Like I said,time flew by so fast. And I couldn't even believe it myself,once again that I'm no longer single. Well,if that is.

Everest and me decided to exchange our contact numbers so we could call each other anytime soon. Whether we can just talk on the phone or meet up to spend some time.

But there is one problem. I have to introduce her to my parents so they'll know how my lover looks like. And she has to introduce me to her parents so they'll know who I am.

Just two more days before our final day,which is where we would hold a close-up party and spend our final moments together. But that doesn't mean me and Everest separate for real.

Right now,we're both sitting by the bed,watching the evening sunset together. It was a beautiful dusk view, like it's a scenery meant for our wedding. Haha,we haven't talk about that yet.

"Of all the sunsets I've seen before,this is the most beautiful one ever since you came into my life. Like everything about me changes. My elements changes," she said,lamenting about her life before and after. I giggle and blush,and snuggle up to her closer,to show how much I really love her. She gives off this aura that gave me ease,and now I felt like I'm nothing without her.

"But you were more beautiful to me,Taegan. You're like my very own sunshine."

"Oh,stop that~!" I inclaim nudging her shoulder. She let out a chuckle,and silence fell a moment later.

"When we returned,I'm gonna introduce you to my friends and family. Are you okay with that?" I know it's a nerve-wrecking question,but Everest seemed okay with it.

"Fine by me. I would like to know more people."

I smile out of great relief. I have so much supporting friends,supporting new buddies and a generous lover. And I'm too awestruck to even resist it all. All of it were so nice.

As the sun sets,almost vanished completely from our sight, Everest pulls me into a gentle,passionate kiss. Not sexual, but humble.

And we can't wait to kiss in front of all our new friends during the close-up party. They'll know it's a memorable charm.

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