Chapter 5

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Georgia's pov

Miss Arlene had just finished taking our attendance,and we started concentrating on the lesson. I steal a little peak towards Alex and Beatrix,making sure they're not messing around. They're not thoroughly,just focusing. But I can see Beatrix smiling for no reason. What are you smiling about?

"Hey,can I borrow your correction tape for a while?" Willow suddenly asks me,whipping my head back to the front. I stammer around looking for my correction tape and give it to her,before writing down the notes our teacher jots on the whiteboard.

-half an hour later-

Damn,do the whiteboard has to be full of blue marker pen notes? It's taking forever!

Not that I hate jotting down notes and everything,but the problem is I have to look up and down again to copy the information,and I'll tell you what?

My neck hurts!

I let out a sigh as I put down my pen after finishing the last sentence. I stretch my hands forward to recharge my energy,in case Miss Arlene is going on another round of writing again.

Just then,there was a knock on the classroom door which got me,Taegan and Willow's attention and of course from Odette who is already about to sleep. Miss Arlene went to open the door while I try to keep everyone quiet.

"Oh,please come in," I hear her say,and let whoever was talking to her into the class. It was a young lady,but by her appeareance,it's striking similar to what Taegan had described. Definitely gorgeous!

The lady looks around at us,with Therese whistling...Oh god,come on.

"Is there a girl named...Taegan Rudd here?" She later ask, and I turn back. And everyone just mimics my move. We are all looking at Taegan!

"Yeah?" She replies,standing up. "I'm right here." I look back at the lady and she had a totally different expression; shocked like she just met her idol!

"Do you want to see me...miss?" Taegan ask again,sounding a bit nervous this time. I feel sorry for you but I can't help myself.

"Yes. Miss Arlene,will it be okay if I talk to her for a while?"
Our teacher nods. "Of course. Taegan,follow her."


We watch as Taegan flee from her place and follow the woman out,the door closing blocking their backs from us. And that's where this scuffle started.

Isadora: Booze! Taegan was taken away!

Therese: She had fucking big time,man. Big time...

Alexandra: Dude,that chick better not do anything dirty to our friend.

Beatrix: She's too simple to be a chick. 😂

Uh-huh,you think so? "Alright,be quiet!"


"Thank you." I sat back down. Gracelyn laughs afterwards followed by a few whispers,and Willow looking concern when Taegan was called by a lady we don't even know.

What. The. Hell. Is. Actually. Happening?

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