Chapter 61

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Taegan's pov

"Mom,Dad! I really missed you!" I exclaim as I hug my parents. "Taegan,we also miss you,dear," my mom replies. My dad gave me a pat in the back with a grin. "How's everything going? You made new friends?"

I nod,as though I'm jumping up and down screeching happily. "YES! It was awesome! It wasn't so bad after all!"

We all laughed. "See Taegan,I told you you're going to enjoy the trip. We're so happy that you get to have fun!" Mom said again.

"And no more stress!" I can't help but chuckle for feeling happy,but I can't tell my parents yet that I'm in a lesbian relationship. Boy,I hope they didn't find out.

"Taegan,do you know you're going to Renforth Park to reunite with your friends? They also missed you," my dad interrupts,reminding me. "Oh yeah,I know it. My friend said there will be a surprise for me there. I can't wait!"

"Let's head over there then," mom added,so we agreed to go there first. I wonder if the surprise's gonna be huge,filled with hugs and words of 'I miss you' from my old buddies. Cause I sure even miss them so much.

-time skip-

We already arrived at Renforth Park,and my dad parked at one spot where my friends won't notice my parents. They'll think I came here all by myself.

"Go on. We'll wait for you in the car." I nod, "Okay," before getting out from the back seat and shutting the door close. I gaze to where me and my friends used to gather,and sure enough,I spotted them from a far distance. They hadn't noticed me yet.

As I slowly run towards them,I can see their faces lit up in happiness as they open their arms wide waiting for me to went and hug them. I smile till no end.


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