Chapter 50

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Georgia's pov

Miss Arlene had given us some work to do,and she said she want it by the time school dismiss. Well,as usual,me and my friends gather in our study group so we could discuss the answers together.

Inez is absent today because she's sick,so I'll email her later to tell her what work did Miss Arlene gave us.

Right now me,Ruthelle,Willow,Odette,Sylvia,Jayline,Selene, Margo and Evangeline are focusing on our given schoolwork.

"I really miss Taegan,man. It's no fun not having her here. She is like a sunshine to all of us," Selene said, before huffing out an exasperated sigh. Jayline added, "Yo,but we still have Georgia here,guys. If she's gone,then there's Willow." Odette raises her eyebrow. "Geez,you're talking as if we're gonna die one by one." Sylvia scrunches her eyes in disgust. "Nobody wants to talk about dying now,Odette."

"Well,we only live once. By the time we're dead,we'll regret it cause we don't have a chance to be reborn since we committed too many sins," Ruthelle said,with a positive tone in her voice. We all look at her,and Willow interrupts, "Yes. I kinda agree with you."

I just smile reassuringly. "Don't worry too much,guys. Taegan's gonna be fine. I heard that she was getting into some sort of a relationship with...her roommate."

Evangeline turn to look at me in an instance. "What kind of relationship?" Margo looks a bit surprised too,but didn't say anything. I don't know what to say either,Taegan never told me to keep it a secret.

Just then,my phone rings. When I look at it,I knew it's her. "Taegan's calling me," I whisper,and my friends starts making curious faces.

I answer it and greet her as usual. That's when my eyes widen so surprisingly,seemingly cause she just told me something.

She has become a lesbian...

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