Chapter 12

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Georgia's pov

I had just arrived at Renforth Park and saw everybody was already having a total blast right there. Jayline brought her basketball along even though this is not a basketball court but who cares?

"Hi,Georgia!" Inez,Sylvia,Odette and Selene greet me jn unison,which did made me laugh because I love it when my friends gave me big entrances. I am very popular,you know.

"Taegan hasn't arrive yet?" Inez ask,looking behind me. I shake my head a little and shrug my shoulders. "Maybe she's on the way. Let's just wait and see."

Audrey tells me to play tags with her and the others,and so I decide to do it while waiting for Taegan. We won't be able to see her tomorrow because she didn't have enough time to go to church,so this is the last day we're going to see her.

I know it sounds sad but she will be alright. If she had new friends there won't be a problem. Or maybe I can lend her some of my powers to guide her through tough times.

What type of power though? Thunder summoning? Telekinesis? Teleportation? Mind reading? Future vision?

Ugh,I never really use teleportation and mind reading really. But if it's Taegan,she will overuse it because sometimes she gets worked up,and cause a drama. I can't possibly lend her thunder summoning because she'll turn into something more rageful. And like I said,if I use too much powers I'll lose my humanity completely.

I'll become a demon for that out loud!

It's strange that my parents doesn't have powers like I do but I believe there was an ancestor who looks exactly like me,only she was a bit of a maniac witch and also has my type of powers. My dad told me this when I was like 8 or 9 because I was curious of why I was born with extraordinary abilities,and he answers all of it. That's why my ancestor's powers was passed down to me. And I heard that her name is Griselda. Coincidence,right?

"Georgia,Taegan is already here!" Sylvia shouted at me,to which I heard it from a few inches away. I reply with an 'okay' and started scooting over.

"You're late,where were you?"

Taegan rolls her eyes as a sign to intimidate me. Willow also arrive with her,pulling out a smile.

-time skip-

"Taegan,we all wish you good luck on your camping trip,and we hope that you'll always remember us no matter where you are or what you do," Odette says,her oath got everyone deeply moved. Gracelyn pretends to cry while burying her face on Desirae's shoulder to which she got a head pat in return,even though Desirae knew she was annoyed but got used to it and play along.

Alexandra and her homies are sad for real,they were worried something might happen to Taegan.

"Come on guys. I'll be fine. Just pray that nothing will not happen to me,okay?" Taegan said,patting Yaneth's shoulder. Isadora was the first to burst into tears and hugs her,then again and again.

Soon,we were all shedding tears and hugging Taegan,and she tries to wipe away her tears when seeing Rosamonde, who even cries in Margo's arms. I'm the last one to hug her, because I was her bestest friend of all time.

"You sure you don't want my powers to help you?"
"Why would I need that? You know I'll be fine. I'm a human,not a warlock like you."

I laugh.

"Good luck,my friend. See you after three and a half months."

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