Chapter 7

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"Taegan,after school you will have to stay back for a further discussion. I'll inform your parents about this."

*flashback ends*

Taegan's pov

"Uuuggghhh..." I let my frustration out and bow my head down,looking at the grass,completely confused and speechless and shocked at the same time. It was recess now but I lost the mood to eat. But I'm not that hungry anyway.

"So,is that what's going on?" Sylvia ask me,concerned. Willow nods as she listens to each word,each sentence that I mentioned. I don't know about the others but I can feel Ruthelle and Crystal patting my back. Georgia on the other hand just sneers at me!

"I told her multiple times that she got the wrong person. You know what she said? She said I strikingly look like Michael Jackson!"

"You are!" Inez exclaim at me and I give her a bit of a death glare. She didn't flinch for a bit and I know only Georgia can do that.

Odette claps her hands. "That's the most rarest theme I heard for a camping programme! Middle school kids that look like celebrities? Come on,it's dope!"
"But impossible," Jayline says,grinning. I sigh hardly before double facepalming myself; I swear all these pesterings had given me a buttrock headache.

"Do I EVEN look like Michael Jackson to all of you?"

Everyone just looks at me. Willow was trying to hide her smile,Odette and Inez kept quiet,Sylvia keeps on 'fanning' me,and Jayline takes out her phone.

 Willow was trying to hide her smile,Odette and Inez kept quiet,Sylvia keeps on 'fanning' me,and Jayline takes out her phone

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"Jayline,you better run."


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I grew more and more pissed and started chasing her around the tree,gaining everyone's attention and hearing their laughters.

"Fuck you!" I yell,before accidentally tripping over and landed almost face-first onto the grass. Now that is more embarrasing!

Georgia's pov

I sigh as I went up to her where she fell,and I smile at Jayline for giving her credits. Taegan can be easily pissed off,right?

"There,there," I said,just as I hear fake crying from my friend. Taegan tries to cover her face but I yank her hands away,wanting to see her crybaby pouty face. You really are MJ Girl Junior.

"How about if I accompany you in the headmistress's office after school? I would be there to keep you on tracks."

Taegan pretends to wipe her eyes as though she's crying for real,then stare at me.

"You better."

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