Chapter 20

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Taegan's pov

All of us had finished our dinner and do our own things. Some of us went back to our rooms. Olivia,Sadie,Alicius and Heidi roam outside the hotel for a while,though it's chilly cold but I'm sure they liked it.

I was the last one to exit the restaurant because I was late on finishing my hot chocolate;it's freaking too hot,how am I going to resist?

Angelica and Dominique help the waiters to clean up the table and I am pretty happy about them helping others,guess both of them reminds me of Willow. God,I really miss my friends.

As I step inside the elevator,the door was halfway closing but suddenly halts when Candice runs in,almost getting herself crushed in the middle.

"Hey,you almost scared me! Be careful with that!" I frightfully exclaim,couldn't help but imagine what will happen if she just went in carelessly.

"I ain't got anything happen with me," Candice replies,leaning on the wall of the elevator. I roll my eyes and let out a muttering grunt,but I'm sure she heard that.

We finally reach the second floor and parted ways without saying anything,not even a goodbye or such but whatever.

I went to my hotel room and open the door before closing it again,and here goes the weird intense part. I'm alone with Everest,the rich playgirl. She was sitting on the couch reading a book,and she look up at me. Holy shit.

"You didn't return here with me."

I open my mouth to think of an answer. "Er...yeah?"

She just smirks before continuing reading her book. Okay,this is going on a hard level by tomorrow.

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